To join POAC, please fill out the form below. We do not have membership dues, but greatly appreciate donations to cover operating expenses and social events. If you would like to make a contribution to POAC-NoVA, please visit our donation section.


POAC Norther Virginia

POAC-NoVA Membership Request


Please check any volunteer opportunities you are interested in:

7 + 2 =

Once you have joined, please read our POAC-NoVA Listserv Guidelines before posting for the first time.

PLEASE NOTE: POAC-NoVA does not advertise events for which an organization or company charges fees, either to attend the event, or for products or services marketed at an event that exclusively benefits that organization or company. The Board of POAC-NoVA recognizes that many of these fee-based products and services are valuable and can benefit the autism community, but we cannot advertise or endorse them on our listserv or website.

If you have any questions, please contact


Contact Us

Please send general inquiries to